Selasa, 19 November 2013

Last Broadcast

“Bismillahirrahmanirrahim ATLANTIS Alhamdulillah the last broadcast was success AllahuAkbar!”

Itu jargon malem selasa kemarin depan masjid, dilihat anak ikhwan yang sa’i muter-muter karena iqob.  Rasanya lega tapi agak sedih juga ternyata ini broadcast terakhir kita selama di SMAN CMBBS sebagai sekbid bidang 9 atau qismul I’lan/I’lam. Malem itu suasana sungguh berbeda. Semua terhibur senang, bahkan ada yang tertawa terbahak-bahak. Soalnya banyak kejutanya. Different style gitu ceritanya. Horeee sukses!! Gak sia-sia, ini semua berkat ide kreatif papa dan mama ikan beserta kawan-kawan hehehe..

Nama personil dari ATLANTIS itu ikan, soalnya dari school fish dan Dini, Fajar sebagai koor kita. Seragam kebangsaan kalo broadcast juga ada, bagian akhwat pake mukena atasan biru dan ikhwan pake baju koko biru, kita beli seragaman. Keren kan?

Langsung saja ya, ini kronologi siaran TERAKHIR atlantis *sad*, cekidot..
(Merah Aba-aba barengan. Biru bergantian. Ingat!)
(semua pake topeng, yang akhwat nunggu di pintu belakang sama samping sampai namanya dipanggil)
(masing-masing pegang pesawat-pesawatan dan papan dinas kita *warna biru* gambar emoticon)

when shark is alone, he needs friends. So, he calls TUNA, CLOWNFISH, WHALE, DOLPHIN, DRAGON FISH, BARACUDA, SALMON. Then, he isn’t alone anymore, because we are one, ATLANTIS.

Assalamu’alaikum Warrahmatullahi Wabarakatuh…
Hello friends! We want to say thank you very much for always stay with us for one year and be a good listener. Atlantis is a name that we can choose for our section, and as reason for our name. But actually, do you know what the meaning behind our fish name? Here, we proudly present it as our very last broadcast.

(waktu bacain teks masing-masing, maju satu langkah, buka topengnya, simpen ditangan. Setelah selesai, tetep ditempat dan GA MUNDUR!) Toge! Poin terakhir gabaca, ane mundur satu langkah dan alhasil nyoba ratain barisan dan untungnya di dorong Dini kedepan. Ini pas tampil loh, bayangkan..

Start from shark (Arwin Setio Hutomo). Friends, do you know about shark? Shark is well known as the strongest fish that can hunt every prey in the sea. It’s also the most frightening fish. So it means, we should be strong to face up any problems like shark.

Then how about whale (Fajar Sina Muharram) ? Well, whale is the biggest animal in the sea that it’s weight is almost 170 tons. So, what does whale mean for us? Here, whale means we should think big and wide, also out of the box. We should think creatively to make our audience happy like whale.

Now tuna (Rifa Nur’aini Hadi). Tuna is a saltwater fish that usually served in can for food because it is delicious. During its lifetime in water, they live together and work in a group. So it informs us that we should work together with our friends, because it can help us to solve any problem and make broadcast easy, just like tuna when facing up their enemies.

Salmon (Azharia Mahdia). Salmon are often eaten by bear, but do you know salmon can swim against strong wave? Not only an ordinary wave but also a reverse wave. From this, we know that we should not be angry if we get critics from others, but keep running forward and solving that critics like a salmon.
Clown fish (Ayustia Damayanti). (Di awal karena grogi ana spontan ngomong “Hi I’m Clown Fish or Nemo!” Hahaha out of the box.  Sebelumnya ane gak pernah nyebut kata NEMO tapi ini keberuntungan. I love nemo!) well, we have known that clownfishes live in anemone, and do you know that anemone and clownfish have a symbiotic mutualism relationship? (kaktus! Disini ana ga bisa ngucapin lancar kata relationship. Butuh usaha keras soalnya kalo udah ketemu kata R dengan L bisa-bisa melebur -_- tapi gak apalah PD aja walau nanggung malu, dikit haha) it’s the same here, we give you information by reading it for you, and you should listen it to respect.

Dolphin, dolphin, dolphin (Mitzi Alia Rifanisa). We have known that dolphin is a smart mammal that can understand human quickly. They have been trained for military, shows, and many more. And same with us, we should train to deliver a good broadcast so everyone will be interested to listen.

Dragon fish (Syifa Fauziah). It’s a small fish creature that can live happily in freezing water, or in temperature less than 0 degree celcius. So what does it mean for us? It means we should always be in a good mood for delivering announcement, or we can say that we must be professional.

The last is barracuda (Dini Estri Mulianingsih). Barracuda is a fast predator in the sea that always be avoided by most swimmers. Here, barracuda means a lot for us. It means that we should be fast and quick to deliver announcements that we get, like barracuda hut its prey.

(waktu spelling atlantis, nengok ke temen sebelah kirinya)
(waktu “with us”, sambil nyebut namanya pake gaya masing-masing)

Well, standing among you all A-T-L-A-N-T-I-S (spelling perorang, gantian) ATLANTIS, The Centre of Technology and Information of Youth Generation on Monday, 18th November 2013. With us, Atlantis Dragon, Atlantis Salmon, Atlantis Tuna, Atlantis Clownfish, Atlantis Dolphin, Atlantis Barracuda, Atlantis Whale and Atlantis Shark, will deliver you praying request, announcements and summons.

The firs is praying request, let’s pray to Allah for our easiness in everything, for our family in their home, four our teachers and school easiness, for third grade successful in our national examitation and SMBTN, and four our friends who are suffering from the sickness. Let’s pray to Allah by reciting Al-Fatihah…

(Doa Ayus yang baca) Allahumma rabbunasi adhibil ba’sya isfihim anta syafii laa syifaan ilaa syifa uka syifaan laa yughodiru saqoman rabbanaa atina fidduna hasanah wafil akhiroti hasanah waqina adzabannaar walhamdulillahirrabil ‘alamiin amiin ya rabbal ‘alamiin..

(pas doa, fajar dan arwin ngelepas kancing baju)

Okey friends, thank you for getting closer with us, this is our last present.

(nerbangin pesawat-pesawatanya)

(dimulai dari Syifa ngelepas mukena satu-persatu. Kalau udah ngelepas mukena tangan yang megang mukena kedepan tapi jangan dijatuhin mukenanya)
(waktu ayus lepas mukena, arwin lepas koko)
(waktu alia lepas mukena, fajar lepas koko)
(setelah fajar ngulur tangan kedepan, semuanya serentak jatuhin mukena sama koko-nya ke lantai)

And… we are not using this for broadcast (akhwat lepas mukena bergantian, tangan kedepan megang mukena) this is anymore. (serentak jatohin mukena seragaman dan baju koko kedepan. Semua tercengang. Bagian lucunya itu waktu ikhwan lepas koko seragaman, mereka pake kaos.. semua heboh pada ketawa. Its fun!)

Good bye Atlantis listener!!! (ngelambain tanga ke audience)
But keep listening to information section, and don’t forget to keep………
(waktu bacain keep-nya pakai gaya sesua dengan keep-nya)

The last we say,
Wasslamu’alaikum Warrahmatullahi Wabarrakaatuh

Gimana seru kan? Ceritanya esok hari kita mau foto-foto buat dokumentasi terakhir. Bismillah.. Doakan! 

Salam dariku,
Keep Funny like Clownfish (NEMO)

4 komentar:

Sinner Thought mengatakan...
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Sinner Thought mengatakan...
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Sinner Thought mengatakan...

and for the whole members of ATLANTIS always keep shiny :')
salut deh, hoho.. berakhir ikan-ikanan, berakhir juga jadi pengawas ikan, wkwk

Ayustia Damayanti mengatakan...

Alhamdulillah sukses untuk kita :D