Selasa, 19 November 2013

Last Broadcast

“Bismillahirrahmanirrahim ATLANTIS Alhamdulillah the last broadcast was success AllahuAkbar!”

Itu jargon malem selasa kemarin depan masjid, dilihat anak ikhwan yang sa’i muter-muter karena iqob.  Rasanya lega tapi agak sedih juga ternyata ini broadcast terakhir kita selama di SMAN CMBBS sebagai sekbid bidang 9 atau qismul I’lan/I’lam. Malem itu suasana sungguh berbeda. Semua terhibur senang, bahkan ada yang tertawa terbahak-bahak. Soalnya banyak kejutanya. Different style gitu ceritanya. Horeee sukses!! Gak sia-sia, ini semua berkat ide kreatif papa dan mama ikan beserta kawan-kawan hehehe..

Nama personil dari ATLANTIS itu ikan, soalnya dari school fish dan Dini, Fajar sebagai koor kita. Seragam kebangsaan kalo broadcast juga ada, bagian akhwat pake mukena atasan biru dan ikhwan pake baju koko biru, kita beli seragaman. Keren kan?

Langsung saja ya, ini kronologi siaran TERAKHIR atlantis *sad*, cekidot..
(Merah Aba-aba barengan. Biru bergantian. Ingat!)
(semua pake topeng, yang akhwat nunggu di pintu belakang sama samping sampai namanya dipanggil)
(masing-masing pegang pesawat-pesawatan dan papan dinas kita *warna biru* gambar emoticon)

when shark is alone, he needs friends. So, he calls TUNA, CLOWNFISH, WHALE, DOLPHIN, DRAGON FISH, BARACUDA, SALMON. Then, he isn’t alone anymore, because we are one, ATLANTIS.

Assalamu’alaikum Warrahmatullahi Wabarakatuh…
Hello friends! We want to say thank you very much for always stay with us for one year and be a good listener. Atlantis is a name that we can choose for our section, and as reason for our name. But actually, do you know what the meaning behind our fish name? Here, we proudly present it as our very last broadcast.

(waktu bacain teks masing-masing, maju satu langkah, buka topengnya, simpen ditangan. Setelah selesai, tetep ditempat dan GA MUNDUR!) Toge! Poin terakhir gabaca, ane mundur satu langkah dan alhasil nyoba ratain barisan dan untungnya di dorong Dini kedepan. Ini pas tampil loh, bayangkan..

Start from shark (Arwin Setio Hutomo). Friends, do you know about shark? Shark is well known as the strongest fish that can hunt every prey in the sea. It’s also the most frightening fish. So it means, we should be strong to face up any problems like shark.

Then how about whale (Fajar Sina Muharram) ? Well, whale is the biggest animal in the sea that it’s weight is almost 170 tons. So, what does whale mean for us? Here, whale means we should think big and wide, also out of the box. We should think creatively to make our audience happy like whale.

Now tuna (Rifa Nur’aini Hadi). Tuna is a saltwater fish that usually served in can for food because it is delicious. During its lifetime in water, they live together and work in a group. So it informs us that we should work together with our friends, because it can help us to solve any problem and make broadcast easy, just like tuna when facing up their enemies.